The Lac La Biche Heritage Society is a not for profit, charitable organization that was formed on October 18th, 1972 and registered under the Societies Act of Alberta on June 12th, 1975. The Heritage Society is a very active organization providing for the recreational and social needs of the senior citizens in Lac La Biche County. Any individuals over 50 years of age are eligible for membership. The Society is managed by an elected Board of Directors and has a current membership roster of approximately 200 seniors. The Society also owns and manages the Lac La Biche Seniors Centre which serves as the main venue for activities and events.
The very first major activity of the Heritage Society was the compilation and publishing of a local history of the greater Lac La Biche area. The book “Yesterday and Today” was begun in 1973. In October 1974 the book’s first draft was submitted to the publisher and in December of 1974 the final draft was completed. In 1975 the book was available for sale in our community. The book traces the history of the area from its establishment in the early 1800’s to the present day. In the main, however, the book concentrates the period of 1900 to 1975, the period most relevant and well remembered by the senior citizens of our community.
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“The purpose of the Lac La Biche Heritage Society is to benefit the community by relieving conditions associated with aging by establishing, operating and maintaining a senior citizens centre to provide programs and services and to organize social and recreational activities for senior citizens.”